Some of the prominent symptoms of the disease include-:

Visual Symptoms –

Multiple sclerosis can cause disturbances in eyesight resulting in a blurred vision, color distortion, blindness in one eye, double vision, jerky eye movements, under or overshooting of eye movements, lack of coordination between the two eyes, flashing lights or abnormal pupil responses.

Motor Symptoms –

Multiple sclerosis can cause disturbances in body movements such as, muscle weakness, partial or mild paralysis, paralysis, loss of muscle tone causing stiffness, pain and restricting free movement of affected limbs, slurred speech and related speech problems, wasting of muscles due to lack of use, involuntary contraction of muscles, problems with posture, jerking and twitching muscles, tics, involuntary Leg Movements, especially bothersome at night, foot drags along floor during walking and dysfunctional reflexes.

Sensory Symptoms –

Multiple sclerosis can cause disturbances sensory functions such as partial numbness, tingling, buzzing and vibration sensations, complete numbness/loss of sensation, pain without apparent cause, burning, itching and electrical shock sensations, loss of awareness of location of body parts and facial pain.

Bowel, Bladder and Sexual Symptoms –

Multiple sclerosis can cause disturbances in body functions such as, urinary urgency and incontinence, urinary hesitancy and retention, male and female impotence, inability to achieve orgasm, ejaculating into the bladder, inability to become sexually aroused, infrequent or irregular bowel movements, bowel urgency and bowel incontinence.

Other Symptoms –

Multiple sclerosis can cause disturbances in body functions such as, short-term and long-term memory problems, forgetfulness, slow word recall, impairments to speech comprehension and production, acid reflux, impaired sense of taste and smell, epileptic seizures, swallowing problems, respiratory problems, sleeping disorders and autonomic nervous system problems.

Patients of Multiple Sclerosis also experience mental changes such as, depression, sometimes in maniac forms, and uncontrollable urges to either laugh or cry, and paranoia.

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