Acne Treatments

Introducing a breakthrough treatment using the light activated agent, Levulan™, for acne. A series of three to six BLU-U treatments with the Levulan™, most people will enjoy months of clear skin. The number of treatments required is proportionate to the severity of acne. Results are also enhanced with the diligent use of bioactive cosmoceutical skin care products before, during and after the BLU-U treatments.

Levulan Photodynamic acne treatments involve the application of Levulan ( 5-aminolevulinic acid), a photosensitizing agent, which is then activated with blue-light. Levulan Photodynamic Therapy results in significant improvement in moderate to severe cystic acne.

Blue Light Levulan Photodynamic Therapy for acne treatment involves three mechanisms of action against acne. Levulan PDT inactivates the bacteria that trigger acne, exfoliates the skin to unclog pores, and the most exciting mechanism is that levulan treatment shuts down the sebaceous glands in the skin. This is exciting because sebaceous glands are the root cause in the formation of acne so it has a long lasting effect even on severe acne.

Blue Light Levulan Photodynamic Therapy can even work in patients who have failed accutane. Accutane also targets the sebaceous gland but accutane has fairly toxic side effects. Levulan is a much safer alternative to accutane treatment.

Medical Microdermabrasion

Medical microdermabrasion is an ideal treatment for men and women, with all skin types both younger and older.

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