Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a disorder characterized by overwhelming physical and mental exhaustion. For most people, physical and mental exertion naturally causes some feelings of tiredness, varying with the level of intensity of that exertion. Resting and sleeping can help the mind and body recover, however, and perform well once again. Sufferers of CFS never feel relief following resting, so instead, their fatigue continues to worsen. Gradually, these symptoms of chronic fatigue can become debilitating, preventing the patient from exerting themselves at all.

Specific cause of CFS is unknown and most likely variable for each individual.  The end result however, for all patients is :oxidative stress, mitochondrial insufficiency, and relative lack of oxygenation at the cellular level. MORE INFO ON CFS


There are no medications specifically prescribed to CFS patients, however some drugs have found to be beneficial for some patients. Antidepressants, in addition to treating symptoms of depression, have been found to reduce physical pain and also help CFS sufferers get a better night’s sleep. Stimulants appear to be helpful to be helpful for some patients in staying alert, but the long term benefits of such drugs for CFS are unclear. Immunotherapies and hormone treatments have also been studied, but were found to have mixed results, and are thus not recommended.


Most people find that CFS prevents them from leading a healthy, active lifestyle on their own. Their continuous exhaustion can make it extremely difficult to eat well, exercise their muscles, and take good care of themselves. Our goal is to help support a healthy future for you as you work to overcome the symptoms of CFS.

Each treatment is individualized to target the patients needs.  We work on the ROOT causes! We will address the oxidative stress, mitochondrial insufficiency, and relative lack of oxygenation at the cellular level involved with CFS.

During your initial visits with us, we will take your medical history and perform some diagnostic tests in the laboratory. We find that fatigue is very often due to hormone imbalances, so we will specifically test for thyroid and adrenal gland function. If these hormones do not fall within normal range, we may recommend bio-identical hormone supplements to help re-establish balance and restore your energy. (Please see our article on bio-identical hormones for more information.)

We will also help you design a nutritional plan that will help reduce the risks of developing further complications as you slowly get the strength to begin physical activities once again

Maintaining physical strength is also a critical part of keeping the body healthy. Our physicians will also help you design a graded exercise therapy (GET) program tailored to your personal goals. We will help you monitor your progress as you gradually increase your physical endurance.

IV Therapies specifically tailored to meet the cellular defects maybe recommended!

Begin Your Journey to Wellness! – Call 307-733-2950

Our Clinic is the ideal place for women, men or children to secure an integrative, holistic and personalized approach to health care.  We partner with each patient to focus on the root cause of their illness, support their recovery, and help them maintain good health.

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